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What currency do you charge in?
I charge in the United states dollar.

What payment methods do you accept?
I mainly charge through PayPal, but also accept e-transfers or cash if
ally appropriate.

What's the average turn-around time on your commissions?
My sketch'd commissions, on average, take about 1-2 days for a single

My ink'd commissions, on aver
age, take about 7-10 days for a single character.

My backgrounds, depending on their level of complexity, can take anywhere
between 10-15 days.

Do you draw traditional artwork as well?
Due to limited opportunities to commit to any form of traditional mediums,
I am currently, and exclusively, a digital artist.

Do you offer refunds?
I do have a fair refund policy which can also be found in my terms
of service

I reserve the right to cancel, at any time, any commission. if i do so,
you will receive a full refund regardless of how far along i am
with it.

if you request a refund, i will provide a full
refund only if I have not started the process.
I will only give back partial refunds if I've
already started on the artwork - how much is
refunded will be determined by which stage of
completion I have reached.

I do not offer any refunds for my completed

Do you offer trades?
Rarely, but it's not a common practice of
mine. expect a no if you decide to ask, but
I do encourage an inquiry all the same.

Do you collab?
Short answer is yes; long answer is that it depends
on who's asking and what my calendar deems

Where can I find more of your artwork?
You can find my art in many places, mainly my
Fur Affinity gallery and my Twitter X.

How can I get access to WIPs and other unique

All of my behind the scenes content and bonus visuals
be found through my Patreon or through my Twitter X.

Do you sell merch?
Yes - everything can be found here in my store.

Where can I contact you for commissions?
Anywhere works, really - Twitter X, Discord, Telegram, BLSKY, Picarto - just not through my FA, as I do not check my inbox there often.

Where did you learn to draw?
I'm actually entirely self-taught; I was tired of making my wallet cry, and I could never explain to artists exactly what I wanted and how I wanted it, so I just... started.

How long have you been an artist?
I've been drawing officially since mother's Day, 2015. I met my favourite artist at the time at an art convention just a couple days prior, and made friends with another artist at another table; she told me she was self-taught and that impressed me a lot; told myself I had no excuse to not get to where she was at. I have since surpassed even her own capabilities, and I am very grateful. she was the spark in needed to get to where I am now, and I love every bit of it.

What motivates you to keep going?
I love to create - that alone is enough for me, but my competitive motivator is the joy my services bring to my clients; Being able to create on the behalf of someone else they way they wanted it, that brings the happiness and satisfaction in what I do; that is what keeps me going.

Do you have any big projects you're working on?
Yes, I do! I'm currently working on two major comic projects: the main one is a large graphic novel that I intend to be for all ages, as I do plan on sharing this project with family. 


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What do you specialize in?

I specialize in furry / anthropomorphic content,
but more specifically with themes of erotica,
cyberpunk, science fiction, futurism, and other
related content.

What makes you stand out from other
artists in your field?

Definitely my overall style. While I'm certainly
not the most gifted of artists, I have a very
focused attention for detail that shows
effectively and consistently in all my artwork;
my shading techniques, while not complicated
are very unique to me, and I have yet to see it
replicated by any other artist that i've come into
contact with.

What's your best commission type?
The most popular commission that I receive from
my clientele are my super shaded sketch'd
commissions*. They're not only more affordable,
but I also commit a significant amount of detail to
them, despite befitting the "sketch" category. they're
my favourite sort of eye candy. <3

*(see the image on the left - this is an example
of my super-shaded sketch'd commission type)

What're the differences between your Sketch'd
and Ink'd commissions?

The main differences lie in the linework, but the level of detail
and shading that's applied is much higher. my sketch'd comms, they
all have a more or less monotonous line thickness, and they tend to
be more scattered with a "sketched" liberty about them, allowing
your mind to essentially connect the dots for me; however, my ink'd
comms have a much more regimented line consistency: I dynamically alter
the line thickness as I go to emphasize depth and separation of materials,
such as clothing or other items.

Do you charge extra based on complexity?
Generally no, however there are some caveats to this response, as there are some
things that I do in fact charge extra for:

Heavy / defined muscle, additional limbs / wings, "not safe for work" (NSFW) content*,
and heavy cybernetics / robotics. Weapons and minor props are fine.

*(things I consider "NSFW" would be exposed reproductive organs as well as implicit
and explicit sexual intercourse)

Why are your backgrounds so expensive?

Backgrounds take a lot of time and energy to complete to the standards that I hold
them to. While I don't charge extra for simple gradients or props, as those are simple and
easy for me to do, I put as much care into my normal backgrounds as I do the main characters
in the front of it all.

I am happy to work with you and find a solution if you're not sure what it is you'd like.

What things are you not willing to draw?
The main content that I avoid can all be found in my Terms of service.    

I will not draw any content that includes any of the following: extreme gore / violence, exposed        female reproductive organs, underage erotica, derogatory / racist content, anti-religious                        themes, hate speech / xenophobic themes, or anti-LGBTQA+ themes. this is a small list of                                    
many other things, but if you want to know more specifics, please contact me to hear a                                        
more in-depth list.                                                 


  //admin: Tekky_munster//


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